Seminarium med Brett Neilson

Globalisation and Ageing

Brett Neilson, lecturer in the School of Humanities at the University of Western Sydney and a member of the Institute for Cultural Research at University of Western Sydney, is giving a seminar on “Globalisation and the Biopolitics of Ageing”.

Brett presents his subject as follows:

Globalisation and ageing are perhaps the two primary processes of transformation affecting contemporary societies. It is no secret that the world’s population is growing older, particularly with technological advances in medicine and nutrition. The proposed study takes a lifelong and worldwide approach to ageing, drawing upon the notion of biopolitics to mediate between the somatic aspects of ageing and large-scale cultural and economic transformations. Particular areas of interest are ageing and the politics of immigration, the knowledge economy and technologies of longevity (the interface between intellectual property and genetic information), the transformation of retirement in consumer capitalism (the dominance of pension funds in deregulated financial markets), virtual ageing (representations of the life course in the popular media and their implications for gender, sexuality, race, and class), and ageing and the transformation of labour under global capitalism (particularly the role of affective labour).

Tid: måndag den 23 september kl. 13.00 – 15.00.
Plats: Institutionen för socialt arbete/Socialhögskolan i Stockholm, Sveavägen 160, rum 814.
Arrangör: SGS och Institutionen för socialt arbete, Stockholms universitet